This is the story of the rescue of a Control Data Corporation DD60
console which was originally used by Purdue University on their CDC 6500
computer system. The console was stripped of parts and moved to the
univerity salvage warehouse over a decade ago, where we recovered the
console on January 20th, 2004. The console would have looked something
like this back in the day (circa 1965):
These consoles were used by the system operator in order to watch and
control what the programs which were run on the attached mainframe
computer. The console utilized two 12 inch radar like green round
displays, each with a screen of text drawn in vector fashion.
So the plan is to restore this console cosmetically to be as original as possible externally. In terms of electronic restoration, that will depend on how much of the high voltage drive is missing. A copy of the original console manual and schematics would also aid greatly in determining what has been stripped. As it seems highly unlikely that this console will ever be connected to a functional CDC 6400 or 6500 again, maintaining the interface which would allow that seems less critical. The current plan is to create a set of electronics which will allow the console to be driven by a PC running a CDC 6X00 simulator. More to come as the story unfolds...